Family Portraits

It feels wonderful getting back behind the camera again. I’ve missed taking portraits.

I’m offering mini photoshoots for the months of April and May at a great re-introductory price of $100. I feel very fortunate that I can document a lot of my family’s milestones. I’d love to be the one to help you document yours.

For this price, you’ll receive a 15 minute on-location photoshoot, 10 professionally retouched photographs of your choice, hi-resolution digital download, and a private online gallery. If you decide you’d like more photos, you have the option to upgrade for the entire gallery for an additional $100.

Contact me to learn more about this opportunity! I’d love to meet you.

Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Preserving Legacies: The Timeless Beauty of Portrait Photography


Rainy Days